Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Only 3 days left to make a dream come true! We are still at 46% and need your support!
If we don't reach the goal, nobody well get any books or rewards.
Horse Sense is a story about bullying and the true power of friendship, endorsed already by End to Cyberbullying Organization, Embracing Autism, Bullying Does Not Make You Cool, Bullying Is For Losers and now BULLYING CANADA too.
Chapters are here:

Rimangono solo 3 giorni per realizzare un sogno! Siamo ancora al 46% e abbiamo bisogno del vostro supporto.
Se non raggiungiamo al quota, nessuno riceverà i libri, né i premi.
Horse Sense è un libro sul bullismo e il potere della vera amicizia, supportato da End to Cyberbullying Organization, Embracing Autism, Bullying Does Not Make You Cool, Bullying Is For Losers e adesso anche BULLYING CANADA.
Il primo capitolo in Italiano:

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We are at 46%! Only 5 days left to bring this book to life! Support a book about BULLYING that can do a lot of good. Endorsed already by End to Cyberbullying Organization, Embracing Autism, Bullying Does Not Make You Cool, Bullying Is For L
osers and now BULLYING CANADA too.

Siamo al 46% !Mancano solo 5 giorni per far si che questo libro veda la luce del giorno! Sostenete un libro sul BULLISMO che può fare un sacco di bene. Già supportato da End to Cyberbullying Organization, Embracing Autism, Bullying Does Not Make You Cool, Bullying Is For Losers e adesso anche BULLYING CANADA.

Monday, October 29, 2012

We are at 43%! Only 5 days left to bring this book to life! Support a book about BULLYING that can do a lot of good. Endorsed already by End to Cyberbullying Organization, Embracing Autism, Bullying Does Not Make You Cool and Bullying Is Fo
r Losers.

Siamo al 43% !Mancano solo 5 giorni per far si che questo libro veda la luce del giorno! Sostenete un libro sul BULLISMO che può fare un sacco di bene. Già supportato da End to Cyberbullying Organization, Embracing Autism, Bullying Does Not Make You Cool and Bullying Is For Losers.

We are at 43%! Only 5 days left to bring this book to life! Support a book about BULLYING that can do a lot of good. Endorsed already by End to Cyberbullying Organization, Embracing Autism, Bullying Does Not Make You Cool and Bullying Is For Losers.

Siamo al 43% !Mancano solo 5 giorni per far si che questo libro veda la luce del giorno! Sostenete un libro sul BULLISMO che può fare un sacco di bene. Già supportato da End to Cyberbullying Organization, Embracing Autism, Bullying Does Not Make You Cool and Bullying Is For Losers.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

We are at 41%! A thousand thanks to new supporters. Now come on board too. Only 6 days left to bring this book to life!

Siamo al 41% Un enorme grazie ai nuovi supporters. Venite a bordo anche voi. Mancano solo 6 giorni per vedere questo libro realizzato!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

We are at 29%. Help Horse Sense get to 30% and gain more visibility on Kickstarter!

Only 7 Days Left to support "Horse Sense." The book is available in English and Italian.
A reminder that Kickstarter is an ALL OR NOTHING deal, so if I don't reach the goal, I don't get a dime and the book won't see the light of the day.
Horse Sense is the story of how an eleven years old faces bullying and survives it thanks to the deep and transforming friendship with a horse.
Horse Sense has already been endorsed by a couple of organizations that deal with bullying: the End to Cyberbullying Organization, Embracing Autism, Bullying Is For Losers and Bullying Does Not Make You Cool, who will all promote the book if it published.
Chapters are here:


Rimangono solo 9 giorni per mostrare il vostro supporto al mio romanzo "Horse Sense" Il libro è disponibile ANCHE IN ITALIANO.
Solo una nota per ricordarvi che Kickstarter e' TUTTO O NIENTE: se non raggiungo la quota del budget, non prendo una lira e il libro non verra' realizzato.
Horse Sense racconta la storia di come un ragazzino di undici anni si trova a dover affrontare il bullismo e sopravvive all'esperienza grazie alla forza dell'amicizia con un cavallo.
Il libro ha gia' trovato il suporto di un paio di organizzazioni: due organizzazioni che si occupano di bullismo: la End to Cyberbullying Organization, Embracing Autism, Bullying Is For Losers and Bullying Does Not Make You Cool.
Il primo capitolo tradotto lo trovate qui:

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Only 9 Days Left to the end of the fundraiser! Make your pledge today and get awesome rewards (see below.)

Horse is A book about bullying and the power of true friendship and it has already been backed by two important organizations: the End to Cyberbullying Organization and Embracing Autism.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012



The Paperback

The Hardcover

The Tote Bag

The Sport Bag

The Letterpress Bookmarks

The Magnets

The Stickers

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Together with the End to Cyberbullying Organization, another organization, Embracing Autism, has also endorsed Horse Sense. They not only deal with autism, but also have workshops on bullying and horse therapy.
Here is their link:
Donate to the fundraising for the book and many young people will receive help against bullying.

There are ONLY 11 DAYS LEFT before the end of the campaign, so please consider donating right away. Preorder a copy of the book and receive some awesome rewards:

Dopo l'associazione End to Cyberbullying, anche l'associazione Embracing Autism ha deciso di supportare Horse Sense. Oltre che di autismo l'associazione ha workshop specifici sul bullismo e horse therapy. Questo il loro link.

Contribute alla realizzazione del mio libro e molti giovani potranno ricevere aiuto contro il bullismo. Il libro sarà disponibile anche IN ITALIANO. Qui trovate il primo capitolo tradotto.
Mancano solo 11 giorni alla fine della campagna e se non raggiungo la quota non prenderò una lira e il libro non uscirà. Prenotate la vostra copia di Horse Sense e ricevete dei regali esclusivi:

Monday, October 22, 2012

The International Organization "End to Cyberbullying" has just endorsed Horse Sense. Therefore, if you help the book getting published, they will promote it and a lot of children and young adults will be able to get help against bullying.
Here are their links:
There are only 12 days left before the end of the campaign, so please consider donating right away. Preorder a copy of the book and receive some awesome rewards:

L'associazione End to Cyberbullying ha deciso di appoggiare Horse Sense, per cui significa che se mi aiutate a pubblicare il libro, loro lo promuoveranno e un sacco di ragazzini potranno ricevere aiuto contro il bullismo.
Questi i loro links:
Ed ecco il primo capitolo di Horse Sense tradotto IN ITALIANO:
Mancano solo 12 giorni alla fine della campagna e se non raggiungo la quota non prenderò una lira e il libro non uscirà. Prenotate la vostra copia di Horse Sense e ricevete dei regali esclusivi:

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


The KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN for my novel "Horse Sense" is now online!

Horse Sense is the story of how an eleven years old faces bullying and survives it thanks to the deep and transforming friendship he has with a horse.

The book is finished and I am raising funds to polish it and getting it ready for publication. If everything goes well, it will be out in December.

There are some awesome rewards for people who support the project, so please check it out and share the link with your friends: